None! Add Extra-Bond to Milk Paint before applying the first coat for best adhesion. If you are going for the “chippy” look, just go ahead and brush the paint on!
None! Add Extra-Bond to Milk Paint before applying the first coat for best adhesion. If you are going for the “chippy” look, just go ahead and brush the paint on!
This will happen with any water-borne acrylic, including the Acriglaze Matte Finish, under one of the following conditions: it is either too humid where you are applying the finish, or it has been applied too thickly. What happens is that the top layer of the finish dries quickly, trapping moisture underneath, resulting in a whitish, cloudy or milky appearance. Sometimes this will clear over time, even a matter of several days, but if it doesn’t, your only option is to sand through the finish and reapply – under drier conditions and in a thinner coat. Two thin coats are more desirable than one thick coat.
As Tung Oil will create a very durable, water-resistant finish, you can use it on outdoor furniture and high-traffic areas (such as kitchen counters and dining table tops). It is important that the oil can penetrate the surface – use it on bare wood, on pieces where the old finish has been removed or on surfaces painted with Milk Paint. Most products sold as tung oil finishes are actually varnishes that contain more than 60% thinner. As every piece absorbs the oil differently, we let you decide on the oil-thinner ratio – that is why our product contains 100% Tung Oil.
You can use mineral spirits to thin Tung Oil, but we recommend citrus solvents, as those are environmentally friendly products.
We do not know of anything that is incompatible with going over our paint.
Beeswax provides a nice finish and helps prevent water spotting.
We also carry a clear acrylic, Safecoat Acriglaze Matte Finish, which is suitable for most furniture and woodwork applications.
Tung Oil forms a low gloss hand-rubbed finish that dries hard like a varnish and is resistant to alcohol, water and oil spills!
Our Old Fashioned Milk Paint is a re-creation of the ancient milk paint formula used for centuries before the sale of commercially made paints. It is an authentic finish for use in the restoration of antiques or in the reproduction of antique furniture. Our Milk Paint is preferred by custom furniture builders, interior designers, artists, craftsmen, do-it-yourselfers, and those who are sensitive to the need to protect the environment. From chippy and distressed to smooth and sleek, you can create a wide variety of looks with milk paint!
Yes! Milk Paint is made from 100% natural ingredients: clay, limestone, milk protein and natural pigments. Since our real Milk Paint is made from elements that pre-date the use of petrochemicals and other toxic bases and solvents, it is biodegradable, non-toxic, and odor-free when dry.
Yes! Old Fashioned Milk Paint is safe to use around kids and during pregnancy.
For an opaque look, add one part water to one part paint powder. (For a stained look, you can add more water.)
It is easiest to make a paste of the powder with some of the water and stir until smooth, like making gravy. Then gradually add more water until you reach the desired consistency. Mix it thoroughly for 2-3 minutes, then let stand for 10-15 minutes so everything has a chance to disperse completely.
When mixing up larger amounts it may be easier to mix equal amounts of water and powder together using a whisk, electric milk frother or a blender.
Test it: if the brush drags, the paint is too thick, so you need to add more water; if the paint drips or if it is transparent, it is too thin, so you need to add more paint powder.
Yes! To experiment you should use small amounts of the powders – teaspoons, tablespoons, even fractions of teaspoons. Mix the powders together in a small cup, add a little water and stir well. Paint a sample on a piece of scrapwood or cardboard. Keep in mind the color will look lighter when dry. Write down the ratio of your mixture, this way you will be able to easily duplicate a color combination you like in a larger batch.
Yes! Old Fashioned Milk Paint is safe to use around kids and during pregnancy.
Yes, Milk Paint is one of the best options for that purpose! It penetrates the grain just like a stain and creates a long-lasting finish. 1:1 paint-water ratio in two or more coats will give you full coverage.
Yes, just add more water than usual. Milk Paint doesn’t protect from water spotting, so if you need a washable surface, make sure to seal it!